Welcome to Gippsland!
P Cocksedge, Nerrena
Williams, Yannathan, Gippsland
M & A Peters, Ranston, Gippsland
B & J Anderson
G & L Gallatly
SEVILLE Daughters at G & L Gallatly
More SEVILLE Daughters
SPOCK Daughters at G & L Gallatly
More SPOCK Daughters
Paul Hannigan, Yanakie (South Gippsland)
Paul Hannigan
Total Area: 700 acres
Milking Area: 500 acres
380 Milking Cows – mostly Holstein & some crosses
Production: 620 kg Milk Solids Per Cow Per Year
Feed: 2.2 Tonne of Grain Per Year
Paul is milking a group of SNAKEOIL daughters and is very happy with them. They are good temperament, medium size, no fuss cows with very good components. They have been joined back to CALUMET